Salivary stone or salivary calculi is also known as “Sialolithiasis’’.

It forms within salivary glands mainly in Submandibular, Parotid glands(less common), Sublingual (occasionally).

The cause of this is still unknown but various associated factors has been noticed like dehydration, reduced/increased/thick salivation, any chronic injury to salivary gland or mouth injury. Affects male than females, in the 4-5 decade of life. The calculi is usually of Calcium.

The condition is mild in its initial stage, gradually or suddenly develops with the pain just after eating/meal or during chewing, with the inflammations- swelling of the gland, localized redness and tenderness, profuse or reduced saliva, bad/ fowl breath from mouth, sometimes pustular discharges, sufferer may be anemic, weak, dull, etc. Sometimes patient is asymtomstic in nature.

It can be detect by X- ray, Sailography, Ultrasonography, CT scan.

There are both medicinal and surgical line of treatment. With homoeopathic medicines, this calculi can be dissolved. Few medicines act very well like calc flour, calc phos, hepar sulph, silicea, etc.

Calcarea flour– one of the best remedy for stony, hard gland. Hard swelling after inflammation. There is marked dryness of mouth and sensation as if lips and tongue were swelling. Tendency for induration, with sensation of  tightness and pulsation.

Calcarea phosphorica– it promotes the bones to unite. There is marked numbness and crawling sensation and glandular enlargement. There is bad taste in morning whivh is offensive sometimes. Tongue is whitish coat. Usually the patient is malnutrious.

Hepar sulph– there is suppuration tendency with great sensitiveness. Profuse salivation with painful tongue. Desires for acids and strong tasting food. Sensation of splinter in throat.

Silicea– stimulate to reabsorb fibrotic condition and scar tissue, may cause absorbtion of scar tissue. Sensation of hair on tongue. Sensitive to cold water. Dryness of mouth with offensive breathe.