Phobic Disorders and Homeopathy

Phobic Disorders and Homeopathy

Phobic disorders are a type of anxiety disorder that are characterized by excessive and irrational fear or anxiety in response to a specific object or situation. The fear or anxiety is so intense that it interferes with the individual’s daily life and activities.


The exact causes of phobic disorders are not known, but they are believed to be caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Some people may have a genetic predisposition to anxiety disorders, while others may develop phobias as a result of a traumatic event or a learned behavior.

Risk factors:

Some factors that may increase the risk of developing a phobic disorder include:

  1. Family history of anxiety disorders or phobias
  2. Personal history of anxiety or depression
  3. Traumatic experiences, such as physical or emotional abuse
  4. Exposure to a specific object or situation that triggers fear or anxiety
  5. Chronic stress or life changes, such as moving or changing jobs


There are several types of phobic disorders, including:

  1. Specific phobia: A fear of a specific object or situation, such as heights, animals, or flying.
  2. Social phobia: A fear of social situations or performance situations, such as public speaking or meeting new people.
  3. Acrophobia – Fear of heights
  4. Agoraphobia – Fear of crowded or public places
  5. Aichmophobia – Fear of needles or sharp objects
  6. Amaxophobia – Fear of riding in a car
  7. Androphobia – Fear of men
  8. Arachnophobia – Fear of spiders
  9. Astraphobia – Fear of thunder and lightning
  10. Autophobia – Fear of being alone
  11. Aviophobia – Fear of flying
  12. Agyrophobia – Fear of crossing streets
  13. Allodoxaphobia – Fear of opinions
  14. Anuptaphobia – Fear of staying single
  15. Aurophobia – Fear of gold
  16. Barophobia – Fear of gravity
  17. Bibliophobia – Fear of books
  18. Brontophobia – Fear of storms
  19. Cacophobia – Fear of ugliness
  20. Claustrophobia – Fear of enclosed or small spaces
  21. Coulrophobia – Fear of clowns
  22. Demophobia – Fear of crowds
  23. Dentophobia – Fear of dentists or dental procedures
  24. Didaskaleinophobia – Fear of going to school
  25. Emetophobia – Fear of vomiting
  26. Entomophobia – Fear of insects
  27. Ephebiphobia – Fear of teenagers
  28. Gamophobia – Fear of marriage
  29. Gephyrophobia – Fear of bridges
  30. Gerascophobia – Fear of growing old
  31. Glossophobia – Fear of public speaking
  32. Hemophobia – Fear of blood
  33. Herpetophobia – Fear of reptiles
  34. Hydrophobia – Fear of water
  35. Hypochondria – Fear of having a serious illness
  36. Iatrophobia – Fear of doctors
  37. Ichthyophobia – Fear of fish
  38. Katsaridaphobia – Fear of cockroaches
  39. Keraunophobia – Fear of thunder
  40. Kinemortophobia – Fear of zombies
  41. Ligyrophobia – Fear of loud noises
  42. Melissophobia – Fear of bees
  43. Mysophobia – Fear of germs or dirt
  44. Necrophobia – Fear of death or dead things
  45. Nyctophobia – Fear of the dark
  46. Ophidiophobia – Fear of snakes
  47. Ornithophobia – Fear of birds
  48. Panphobia – Fear of everything
  49. Pathophobia – Fear of disease
  50. Pedophobia – Fear of children
  51. Phasmophobia – Fear of ghosts
  52. Philophobia – Fear of love or falling in love
  53. Phonophobia – Fear of loud sounds
  54. Pogonophobia – Fear of beards
  55. Pyrophobia – Fear of fire
  56. Selenophobia – Fear of the moon
  57. Somniphobia – Fear of sleep
  58. Spectrophobia – Fear of mirrors
  59. Thanatophobia – Fear of dying
  60. Tokophobia – Fear of childbirth
  61. Topophobia – Fear of certain places or situations
  62. Triskaidekaphobia – Fear of the number 13
  63. Trypanophobia – Fear of needles or injections
  64. Turophobia – Fear of cheese
  65. Venustraphobia – Fear of beautiful women
  66. Vestiphobia – Fear of clothing
  67. Xenophobia – Fear of strangers or foreigners
  68. Zoophobia – Fear of animals

Here are 10 most common homeopathic remedies that may be used for phobic disorders:

  1. Aconitum napellus: This remedy may be helpful for phobic disorders that develop after a sudden and intense shock or trauma. Symptoms may include anxiety, restlessness, and fear.
  2. Argentum nitricum: This remedy may be helpful for phobic disorders that involve social anxiety or fear of performance. Symptoms may include anxiety, nervousness, and trembling.
  3. Arsenicum album: This remedy may be helpful for phobic disorders that involve fear of illness or contamination. Symptoms may include anxiety, restlessness, and obsessive thoughts.
  4. Calcarea carbonica: This remedy may be helpful for phobic disorders that involve fear of the unknown or fear of failure. Symptoms may include anxiety, perfectionism, and lack of self-confidence.
  5. Gelsemium sempervirens: This remedy may be helpful for phobic disorders that involve fear of anticipation or fear of the future. Symptoms may include anxiety, nervousness, and trembling.
  6. Lycopodium clavatum: This remedy may be helpful for phobic disorders that involve fear of public speaking or fear of being judged. Symptoms may include anxiety, low self-esteem, and digestive issues.
  7. Phosphorus: This remedy may be helpful for phobic disorders that involve fear of crowds or fear of the dark. Symptoms may include anxiety, restlessness, and difficulty sleeping.
  8. Pulsatilla: This remedy may be helpful for phobic disorders that involve fear of abandonment or fear of being alone. Symptoms may include anxiety, emotional sensitivity, and a desire for attention.
  9. Silicea: This remedy may be helpful for phobic disorders that involve fear of needles or fear of invasive medical procedures. Symptoms may include anxiety, nervousness, and physical weakness.
  10. Thuja occidentalis: This remedy may be helpful for phobic disorders that develop after a traumatic event or after a history of abuse. Symptoms may include anxiety, fearfulness, and a desire for privacy.

And many more according to individual symptoms

A few more tips to fight with phobic disorders

  1. Eat a healthy and balanced diet: Eating a healthy diet that is rich in whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can help improve overall health and reduce stress levels. Additionally, avoiding processed and sugary foods may also help manage anxiety symptoms.
  2. Exercise regularly: Regular exercise is a proven way to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Exercise can also help improve mood and promote relaxation. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day, such as walking, jogging, or yoga.
  3. Practice relaxation techniques: Relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation, can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. These techniques can also be helpful during a phobic episode.
  4. Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is crucial for managing anxiety symptoms. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night, and establish a consistent sleep routine.
  5. Limit caffeine and alcohol: Caffeine and alcohol can both exacerbate anxiety symptoms, so it’s important to limit or avoid these substances.

Seek professional help: While diet and exercise can be helpful, it’s important to seek professional help for phobic disorder. A mental health professional can provide therapy, medication, or other treatments that can effectively manage symptoms and improve overall quality of life.