Infertility – Childlessness Battle: Ease with HOMEOPATHY

Infertility – Childlessness Battle: Ease with HOMEOPATHY

Infertility is the global problem troubling many couples. It affects around 15-18% of the reproductive age group of couples. The prevalence of infertility affects more in urban cities due to the modern lifestyle and high educational system and late marriages. As age increases, the childbearing age decreases. It affects the couples and causes distress either emotional or psychological.

Know about Infertility:
Prefix In- denotes No/not and Fertile means capable to produce new ones.

Infertility means the inability to get pregnant by the natural way after twelve months or more regular unprotected sexual intercourse. 

Infertility can be primary or secondary. Primary infertility is infertility in which a female never experience the conception since her marriage while Secondary infertility is infertility where she fails to conceive following previous Pregnancy. 

The condition may be present in any couple or both partners.

Common factors which are included in female and male are as follows:

  • Excessive smoking or tobacco use.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Lifestyles changes like eating habits, Diabetes, Hypo/Hyperthyroidism, Obesity, etc.
  • Mental stress.
  • Multiple sexual partners.
  • High cholesterol level.
  • Prolong use of drugs such as NSAIDs or due to exposure to Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy.
  • Late marriages.


The cause of infertility in females can be due to-

  • Ovulation disorders like a premature ovarian failure, PCOS/PCOD, or Hyperprolactinemia
  • Premature Ovarian Failure- as the name suggests ovaries start to decline the production of ova due to insufficient estrogen hormone. Females start suffering from Irregular Menses, Hot Flushes, Easily Irritable, Dryness of vagina, Painful coitus with low sex drive.
    PCOS/PCOD- not only concern with ovary but also linked with other symptoms of mental and physical.
  • Congenital defeat can be like absent or septate uterus/ vagina
  • Infections like PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), Tuberculosis, etc
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease  infections of the pelvic organs including the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
  • Uterine Fibroid
  • Endometriosis
  • Any pelvic or cervical surgery or underwent sterilization treatment. 


  • Significant weight gain or loss
  • Acne over the face, shoulder, and back
  • Abnormal, irregular, painful or no menses
  • Dark hair growth start appears on lip, chin, and chest
  • Thinning and loss of hair
  • Discharge from nipples
  • Discharge per vagina
  • Dryness of vagina
  • Painful Coition
  • Low or diminished sexual desire
  • Backache or lower abdominal pain

Male infertility can be caused by-

  • Low or abnormal sperm counts – known as Oligospermia
  • No sperm counts – known as Azoospermia
  • Poor quality/motility of sperm – known as Asthrnospermia
  • Varicocele
  • Erectile Dysfunction or premature ejaculation
  • Low testosterone level
  • Any history of Mumps or pelvic injury


  • Painful Coition
  • Easily tired or feels Fatigue after the attempt
  • Loss of interest in having intercourse or low sexual desire
  • Dribbling of semen without erection or Nightfall
  • Pain in the lower abdomen while Coition


There are many investigations available for infertility patients. The test depends on the clinical history and condition.  

Few routines examination is done to know the cause and factors which leads to infertility are as follows:

  1. Blood Investigations
    1. CBC with ESR
    2. S. Vit D3 & S. Vit B12
  2. Hormonal tests- usually done on the 2nd day of the onset menses for accurate results. Test includes:
    1. Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in both partners
    2. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) in both partners
    3. Prolactin Level (PRL) in both partners
    4. Estradiol
    5. Progesterone
    6. Estrogen
    7. Anti Müllerian Hormone (AMH)
    8. Thyroid Profile (TSH, T3, and T4) -Testosterone (Free &Total Testosterone in males)
    9. Dehydro-epiandrosterone Sulphate (DHEA-S)
    10. Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in males
  3. Urological Investigations mainly in males
    1. Semen Analysis (sample should be taken after 5 days of without any intercourse or masturbation)
    2. Post Ejaculatory urinalysis
    3. Seminal Fructose Test
    4. Semen Leukocyte Analysis
    5. Anti-sperm Antibodies Test
    6. Sperm Penetration Assay (SPA)
  4. Ultrasonography
    1. Pelvic USG
    2. Hysterosalpingography
    3. Sono-hysterogram
    4. Trans-Vaginal USG

In males,

  • Scrotal USG
    • Vasography
    • Trans Rectal USG
  • Imaging Test
    • Hysteroscopy
    • Laparoscopy
    • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Biopsy
    • In females, Pap smear is done
    • In males, Testicular Biopsy is done
  • Genetic Testing Genetic Karyotyping to rule out genetic defects.
  • Follicular Study or Ovulation Analysis
  • TORCH Test (Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, and Herpes simplex virus)


The underlying disease should be considered and treated with the counseling of both partners. Homoeopathy works great in such cases and has miraculously effect when treated properly and the case given by the patient should be accurate and the case taken by a physician also be good enough to know the exact cause of disease. 

There is a vast number of homeopathic medicine which helps to get conceive. Few are listed here-

  • Acid phosphoricum- effects after grief and mental shock. Emission at night. Parts relaxed during Embracement. Testicles are swollen with painful. 
  • Agnus castus- low sexual vitality, corresponding with mental depression with loss of nervous energy. History of gonorrhea. 
  • Aletris farinosa- confused feeling and cannot concentrate. Retarded menses with scanty flow. Tendency to abortion. 
  • Folliculinum– alteration of excitability and depression worsen before menses. Pre menstrual congestive pains. Fibrous uterus with metrorrhagia. 
  • Lycopodium- confused and lack of Confidence. Leucorrhea acrid with burning and dryness over vagina. Erectile dysfunction. 
  • Natrium muraticum- depressed, very irritable little consolation worsen the suffering. Wants to cry when alone. Vagina is dry with ineffectual labour pain with suppressed menses. 
  • Pulsatilla- great changeability with contradiction. Menses are suppressed from wet feet. Nervous debility. Amenorrhea or tardy menses. Morbid dread of opposite sex. 
  • Sepia- ball like sensation in inner parts. Highly irritable and easily offended. Sad, depressed and fearful when left alone. Violent stitching pain upward in the genitalia, vagina from uterus to umblicus. 
  • Selenium- debility in old age. Dribbling of semen during sleep. Increased desires but easily exhausted. Irritate after Coition. 

Never try to take any of these medicines by yourself, always make an appointment and consult with a physician. Your physician knows beyond your google-pedia. 


Along with medicines, self-management is a good source to beat off your sufferings. 

Some exercises and yoga-like Surya NamaskaarViparita Karani, Setu Bandhasana

The dietary including high rich Nutrient food like fiber food, high dairy fats like paneer. Avoid Papaya and Pineapple and trans-fat foods. 

These will promote a healthy ovum and sperm and hence easy to conceive. 

Why Orbit Clinics? 

At Orbit Clinics, you will entertain as a person and treat with the world-class homeopathic treatment with the holistic approach under the supervision of Dr. Deepak Sharma who treated more than 100 cases of infertility including the most complicated cases that cannot be solved by modern medicine.

Orbit Clinics aims to provide you the best counseling, diet, management, sex counseling, and taking the best care with dedicated staff.